Mortagage Loan

A mortgage loan is one in which you secure funds by pledging your property.

Mortagage Loan

Take your business to the next level, Apply for Mortgage Loan with Low-Interest rates & Flexible Repayment options. With Recapita Finance Mortgage Loans you can unlock the property value you own to avail finances when you need it. Businesses or Individuals can ensure the availability of required funds by leveraging the property value through Recapita’s Mortgage loan offerings.

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- Smart floating and fixed interest rates options.
- Advanced Loan Eligibility.
- Longer tenure with lower EMI.
- Loan sanction likely before selecting the property.
- Easy Hassle-Free documentation.


- Fulfill your Business / Personal needs.
- Lower EMI with Longer Tenor.
- Competitive rate of Interest.
- Easy Repayment.
- Stay Protected with Loan Insurance (*insurance is a subject matter of solicitation', which essentially means that insurance has to be requested or asked for, not sold).

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